From Broke to Youtube Success: How I Did It

When I was younger, I always dreamed of becoming successful on Youtube. I wanted to be able to provide a comfortable life for myself and my loved ones, and I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from achieving that goal. However, like many people, I started out life with a few strikes against me. I was born into a low-income family, and I didn’t have the best educational opportunities. But that didn’t stop me from chasing my dreams. In fact, it only made me work harder than ever before. And it was through Youtube that I finally found success…

Starting Out on Youtube

Like many out there I had humble beginnings as a 17 year old wanting to make videos about Minecraft. I dipped my toe into the world of YouTube but had no true idea how to make it work or even what it took to be a successful youtuber.

I went through the remainder of my education: College and then University. University was a rude awakening for me. There’s a rule for the way finance works for university students in the UK. If a student had a parent earning over £30,000 a year then their “Cost of Living” was to be substituted by their parents support.

My father was a teacher at this point, who made bang on £30,000. As a result I went to university with the minimum amount of living expenses (1/4 of the average student living expenses). Unfortunately I didn’t receive support and I quickly learnt what this result meant… I had to get an overdraft and survive on that overdraft until the summer would come.

When the summer would come I would work as a marquee helper, building labourer or general bar staff to pay back the over-draft and be able to afford another term of university. This is where I first learnt about money and how it makes the world go round.

How much Youtube Income at this Point?

During University I continued to do youtube earning around $50 per 2 months. Which at the time felt like a lot because I had so little money. This was actually a rather embarrassing feeling at university because everyone around me would spend money on alcohol, lavish clothes and general niceties I couldn’t afford.

As I completed university and went into employment to pay my over-draft off and get to a healthier bank balance I found employment in many dead-end jobs which for me at the time was working in a retail store or as a consultant in a recruitment company. The manager’s would always treat everyone like garbage and you would be paid the same regardless of if you were the hardest worker in the branch. This was the time I was most miserable in life and I knew I wanted more!

How I got the Idea to Start Youtube as a career

One day I was sat on the bus listening to the tinney sound of cheap speakers one of the young teenagers were playing loud music on at the back of the bus. While droning the speakers out, I was trying to watch a video about World of Warcraft, specifically how to get heirloom rings.

Having played World of Warcraft since I was 11 years old and as the game got developed or updated over the years I continued to play. I was frustrated by the video I was watching because it was just regurgitated information someone had found online and said into a video, offering no value or good advice to the audience. This video made me decide to make my first serious Youtube video.

First Youtube Video – How I did it?

My goal in the first video I created was to give as much information as I could about the subject of World of Warcraft and how to find that heirloom ring. I made sure there were audio prompts for what to do, visual written prompts, actually completing the task for the viewer to see and explaining in depth everything they needed to do it for themselves.

What to keep in mind when making that first video:

  1. Choose a subject you are passionate and knowledgeable about
  2. Have clear audio and visual prompts
  3. Offer valuable information that is helpful to the viewer
  4. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and making videos they request
  5. Don’t give up! It takes time to build an audience, but if you stay dedicated and provide quality content, you can gain financial freedom through Youtube success. Good luck!

How Valuable YouTube content gave me success (explained)

Now that same video published in 2019, is still one of my best performers from over the years. Since then I have tried to maintain those key principles when making videos for YouTube. If I take this newer channel into account. My goal has been to give the maximum value I can possibly give in every single video. My goal has been to help you achieve a similar level of success to me.

I went from being “Just Over Broke” to financially free by creating videos on YouTube. I know that you can do it too if you try.

Now my channel gets on average 200,000 to 250,000 views per month and is steadily climbing. If I can do it then I assure you, you can too.

I make over $1500 per month on youtube as one of my passive income sources. This blog and my Youtube channel is all about how to make as many passive income sources as possible, if that’s interesting to you, then please consider subscribing.

Best Practices from successful Creators on Youtube

  1. They provide value in each video by giving tips, tricks, and advice
  2. They have a consistent schedule for uploading videos
  3. They engage with their audience through comments and social media
  4. They have high quality equipment and editing skills
  5. They are always learning and growing as creators
  6. They are passionate about their topic and it shows in their content.

Final Thoughts for Youtube Success

By implementing these practices, you will see your youtube success grow exponentially. Keep grinding, keep creating, and most importantly always provide value to your audience. Good luck on your YouTube journey!

About the author

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